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COM-IT Update

To: All faculty, staff and students in COM T, UAHS and UACC, I hope this message finds you well. We want to inform you of some recent changes within our team that are affecting our ability to provide the level of service you've come to expect from us. Due to several key staff resignations within the COM-IT team, we are currently experiencing delays in our response times and service delivery. We understand the impact this may have on your department and day to day operations, and we are working diligently to address these challenges by augmenting our teams with contract staff or if approved hiring replacements as quickly as possible. In the meantime, we kindly ask for your patience and understanding as we navigate this transition. We remain committed to maintaining the quality of our services, and we will keep you updated on our progress. If you have any urgent matters, we will do our best to assist you. Thank you for your continued trust in us. We truly value your partnership and appreciate your understanding during this time. COM IT Leadership

29 January, 2025 - 28 February, 2025

UITS Data Center Loss of Power

Due to a loss of power in the UITS Data Center TODAY, Tuesday, August 27th
- Access to specific file shares and servers is UNAVAILABLE at this time
- Ability to establish a Remote Desktop Connection
UITS Teams are investigating. Updates will be provided here when available

27 August, 2024 - 27 August, 2024

COMHelp Maintenance

COM ITS will be performing maintenance on COMHelp, July 18th, 4pm-5:00pm. For IT assistance during this window, please call (520) 626-8721 press 1 and stay on the line for IT assistance.

17 July, 2024 - 18 July, 2024

COMHelp Maintenance

COM ITS will be performing maintenance on COMHelp, July 9th, 4pm-5:30pm. For IT assistance during this window, please call (520) 626-8721 press 1 and stay on the line for IT assistance.

5 July, 2024 - 9 July, 2024

Banner Microsoft Office Applications

Banner Health recently implemented a change to Access Banner Microsoft Office applications on a non-Banner provided device. 1. Open a Web Browser and go to 2. Click the red Sign In button. Click here for more detailed information

22 November, 2023 - 15 December, 2023

UArizona Microsoft Active Directory Service, BlueCat

The University of Arizona implemented a new Microsoft Active Directory Service, BlueCat, to streamline support and protect systems and data across campus. The COM IT team is working to transition your computer to a more secure system as part of this IT campus-wide initiative. This initiative to migrate all computers from CatNet to BlueCat is well underway! The next phase of this project involves sending a notification directly to each computer on the CatNet domain to gather specific information and complete these migrations within the required timeline. COM IT will send the following notification to each computer on the CatNet domain in the coming weeks: The COM IT team is working to transition your computer to a more secure system as part of a campus-wide initiative. As part of this effort, our team needs to collect specific information from you about your computer in order to retire the old Windows domain and successfully migrate to the new one. Please submit a service request at or call 520-626-8721 for assistance. Thank you, your timely response will ensure there is no interruption to your service.

2 February, 2023 - 30 June, 2023

University closure 2022

During the University Closure the College of Medicine IT Service Desk is available from 9am-3pm. The service desk contact number is 520-626-8721. The Walk-up desk is also staffed on these days/times. We are closed on the following holidays, December 23, December 26th and January 2nd.

22 December, 2022 - 3 January, 2023

Email Migration

Our team is actively working on the email migration of several departments. You may experience some delay on your requests. More" target="_blank">'>More info ...

27 July, 2020 - 28 August, 2020

COVID19 Response Time

Notice about in-person service: If you need a technician to be physically present to perform a task, your task may be delayed due to restricted staff availability due to COVID19. Only request an in-person service if it is absolutely required.

27 July, 2020 - 28 August, 2020